News & Events from Toddy's Liquor & Wine
Drink Calculator
It is always difficult to estimate your beverage needs for a party or wedding, we have incorporated a simple tool to give you an estimate for your purchasing of Wine & liquor. We like you to know that the resulting information provided by this tool is only intended for informational purposes and calculations are based on estimates and certain assumptions.
The information is not guaranteed to be accurate and is intended to be used solely as a guide. Toddy's disclaims any responsibility or liability for any losses or damages caused as a result of any placing reliance on this tool and the resulting information. We thank for this service to our customers.
How to use the Calculator
Click on the image below to go to, it will open a new tab in your browser.
Then set the number of hours for your party and indicate number of guests and their habits. Before calculating determine what you like to serve by clicking on Wine, Beer and Liquor. If you want to eliminate a selecting of type of drink click on it again. Whatever you change, will automatically change the calculation.